Thursday, December 01, 2005

Martin Liberal is no longer liberal but LIAR

Unbelievable shameless is the only thing I can think of reading Paul Martin's response to Conservative's tax cut proposal.

Don't' get me wrong. I agree that Paul Marin was the best finance minister Canada has ever had. And I believed Jean Chrétien lost his mind preventing Paul Martin from going into power, but that was before Paul Martin became Prime Minister.

Not any more.

I still agree that Paul Martin SAYS most beautiful things among all the leading contenders. Actually that is the problem. Ok let me tell you this in a not so pretty analogy: 4 boys each wants to chase a beautiful girl, Paul Martin is the only one that can say whatever the girl likes to hear and buys her gifts in every crucial decision point; You can guess what happens next: the girl marries Paul only to find she would be a target of abuse. And all of these will be the girl and other 3 boy's fault.

Paul Martin is a VERY successful businessman.  He is so good at it that he can sell you any junk for a good fortune.  And after you found out what you bought from him was junk, you swore you were the dumbest idiot in the world, and would never buy from this guy again, then magically next time you see him, you still buy from him.

OK, back to the topic, why I call him a liar? Well, most politicians are liars, but I have to pick this guy out this time, as usually they don't lie so shamelessly.

Conservatives tax cut is far from good. They put in this GST thing tens of years ago "trying to fight deficit", the federal government has been  running surplus for so many years, GST should have long gone. Did it? NO it is still here. So Harper's plan is so hypocritical - Conservative put in something bad, and now tries to reduce it, shall we say "thank you"?!
This is just like Liberal created health care crisis and National unity crisis yet now pretends to be the savior.

However, Paul Martin's response to Harper's plan annoys me so much. He talks so shamelessly as if there is no such a thing calls dignity or recorded history of Liberal campaign slogans.

In short, he says cut sales tax is wrong, but "Our government is committed to cutting personal income taxes "– particularly for lower and middle-income Canadians."
LIAR, basic economy knowledge tells people that sales taxes punish low income more, income taxes punish rich people more. This is because richer people tend to save a bigger portion of their income (yes, they don't need to spend ever penny on daily necessities -which means those money is not taxed by sales taxes).  Lower income people need to spend nearly 100% of their income and sales tax actually taxes every penny they earn and spend.
See his detail here:

Don't get me wrong, Martin's plan benefits me more than Harper's. From a money point, I'd like Martin's plan GET IMPLEMENTED. Unfortunately, Liberal said they will get rid of GST 13 years ago, and now they are saying even cutting GST is wrong, how can I expect they don't say cutting income tax is wrong after they get elected?

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