Thursday, December 08, 2005

GREAT! Now handguns will be banned! No more gun crimes in Canada!

How great the idea is! Ban all handguns! Now we can have good sleep at night and worry about no guns at all. genius Mr. Martin!

Wait, is murder outlawed millenniums ago? I heard we still have murder happening every week. Hmm, interesting, why is that? Is it because those laws have never spent 2Billion dollar to implement?

Well, don’t get me wrong, I am against guns, I don’t own gun and I distance myself from those who does. I am perfectly fine with the banning of all the guns. However, what bothers me now is the enormous media coverage of this useless and hypocritical law invented by this super smart Prime Minister that again tries to cheat all of us.

I would support banning of guns 5 years ago, when gun crime is not an issue. For now, do you think the guns used to commit crime are legal? Do you think those killers would have registered their guns?

After all, do you think those murderers who defy the “no killing” laws all these years, will suddenly repent and hand-in their guns because “gun is illegal now”!?

This whole thing is about cheating for vote. Make it high tune, and high profile. So to create a perception that this genius fights crime – which Jack Layton has concluded perfectly – this guy Mr. Martin had 12 years to fight crime, and his achievement was increasing gun crime by hundreds of percentage points, and suddenly he started to fight crime at the crucial point of election with a high profile low efficient plan – is it clear what this guy is trying to fight? Yes, Mr. Martin invented this law not so much targeting gun crime, but targeting other parties namely NDP and Tory for the election.

Hey, someone says at least this gives police a tool to charge someone who possesses a gun – before they commit a crime. OK, sounds good, let alone if police really have resources to do that. Remember how Liberal explained why they wanted to de-criminalize marijuana? Yeah, exactly the opposite – policy should not charge anyone simply because they possess something.

I can adapt to either tough laws, or freedom, but it is hard for me to adapt to whatever Mr. M wants when there appears to be no rule but his personal preferences.

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