Friday, December 02, 2005

A divided country - Why Liberal will go back as a minority?

This election will be a waste of time!
Liberal will go back to office as a minority government.

Why? Because their trick works! Actually the Opportunists universal trick has been proven to be very effective - divide the voters!

Provoking differences are the very subtle trick politicians during every election. However, there are few parties uses this trick so extremely - it is leading to the separate of this great country inevitably in the near future.

A quick look back to the history reveals that Quebec independent movement was conceived when liberal was trying to clan the power in early 20th century, and matured when Liberal was in power. The idea is clear, "liberate" because we are suppressed, and in a modern democratic country not too many things are harshly suppressed. Differentiate is the best tools to use to make people feel "I am mistreated". The idea was "we are Quebecors, we don't vote for Conservative, which belongs to west English speaking provinces". This type of intimidation worked well from 1920 to 1960.

However, many French colonies went independent in the '60s. It triggered a BIG question in Quebec, "If we are so different, should we be independent?" The answer is clear. Liberal played with fire, and it will burn itself ultimately - but at the cost of the whole country.

Who do you think united Quebec independent movement? Yes a former liberal cabinet minister!

To speed up the separatism movement, Liberal provoke "Quebecor's has their rights" while it runs big governments which satisfies their own hunger of power and money. One of the main reason Quebecors are not satisfied about federation was the federal government was too ambitious and reduced their choice. So on one hand, Liberal provokes "don't be managed" on the other hand it tries to manage everything. No surprise why Quebecor want to leave - the one who tells me I should not be controlled, controls me most!

Given the Liberal's excellent ability of influencing people, we can see clearly that they tried and succeeded in persuading Quebecors "distance from Conservative - which is clearly to Britain!" However, since they are proved not a viable and trustworthy group to govern, people in Quebec will have a clear choice - manage themselves!

Someone says Liberal is center line compare to NDP and Conservative. And that is why they succeeded in Quebec before Bloc came behind them. Not really. A universal rule is also proved no exception in Canada, opportunists always portrait themselves as "center line". It is not because they are mainstream, it is because this gives them leeway to change their promises!

Look at Liberal, when they found people care about health care, they jumped out to claim to be the savior of Canadian health care system. When they need money, they cut health expense much more than conservative did. And soon after they attacked Conservative for putting in new taxes, (yes, last time they entered office is because a big lie - get rid of GST), they actually enjoy the revenue more than anyone else.

Liberal has no principle, as long as it can bring them vote (during election season) or cash (after they are elected) they will go for it. So they are not right, nor left, but they are definitely not center either!

One thing to note: I am NOT saying Liberals are intentionally fuel the Quebec independence movement. They were using their trick to ensure an "in-penetrative" fort for "lefties". They failed to realize their ideology is so close to independence. If Liberal is elected back to office after Quebec separatism succeeds, I am not surprised to see Canada breaks further.

The subtle difference between radical left and opportunists is opportunists think they can use radical lefties, while in short term it is true. Because radicals are more or less desperate and more willing than moderate lefties to exchange short term support.
However, at the end, radical lefties actually leveraged opportunists' effort and achieve their goal.

Why? Because Radicals cares what they want in long term, opportunists want only power and money and are reckless. They don't care if the country really breaks a part (they say they care only to cheat for more vote). If they ever really cared about National Unity, they will have long co-operated with Conservative, not any other party. It is clear that the left a Quebec group is more likely it supports independence.

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