Thursday, December 01, 2005

Can we (still?) trust CBC?

Yeah, you know the answer. If we can, we won't need this site.
The whole idea of government funded media is anti-democracy!

The first day of the 2006 campaign, CBC National has broadcasted a report on what Canadians think the most important issues are.
The number 10 was national unity, and CBC was quick in jump in to say this gives Paul Martin an upper hand, and play a footage a "non-liberal" saying Paul Martin is the one. While talking about number 4 crime, (which ranked #2 in Toronto) they eagerly discounted the possibility people will vote based on this issue because people will care about other issues more -- wait, did people just voted this issue as #4 and national unity as #10?

As we all know fighting crime is the one of the stronghold of conservatives all around the world. I am not saying "people will not vote based on one issue" is wrong, but apparently they are not applying the same rule to all parties. I saw no reason why people will vote based on the 10th most important issue, but not 4th. But that was what CBC saying.

Other incidents like these are everywhere, while they reported first day of the campaign, Steven Harper's picture was shot from a unique (bottom up), while all other leaders had normal picture.

And when CBC report Paul Martin's attack against other leaders, they say "people fear about their …" when it reports other leaders attack Liberal, they say "Jack Layton said Paul Martin …" As if whatever Paul Martin says is fact and other leaders are "alleging".

On the second day, they were calling Steven Harper's attacking of Liberal corruption as "negative campaign". I saw no reason why stating a fact that has been confirmed by both auditor general and judges was now considered "negative campaign" but not negative political wrong doing by the Liberals.

What Canadians really need to know is what is most important to this country, if you say National unity is important, OK! Then report what Liberal has done in Quebec, and how did they do it. "Paul Martin talks about national unity in Quebec" - as if others did not talk about it.  Report each parties policy about keeping this great country together, not "National Unit is on the side of Paul Martin", not even telling people why?!

Brainwash does not only happen in 3rd world country. With much more resources, Canadian media has done a much better job of brainwash Canadians.

You feel hurt, do you? "We live in a great democratic country!" yes, but our days are counted if we do not address this serious problem - those who controls our media feed us biased brainwash contents and we are paying for it!

 Let's talk about this in a remote setting:

Which party do you think will win an election in China if they have real democracy there (just assume)? You guessed right, the communist party. The truth is their law does not outlaw other parties, it's just you cannot say "communism is bad". Try say Liberal is bad here in Canada, What, "no negative campaign"?  Hmm, after all we are not that different uh?

It is not Chinese people like communism, they have been ripped off and the money is used to brainwash them - the media is controlled by the communist party, so no one else can run a campaign effectively.

"How dare you compare us to a 3rd world country?" Well, since 1867, Liberal was in office more than 85 years about 2/3 of the time. And Chinese communist party was in office only 56 years. Apparently from a history point of view, it seems Chinese people are not that pathetic.

The problem is not Liberal forces journalists to sing praise to Liberal. Liberal is smart enough not to get into that situation.

The problem is with "infinite" fund support journalist they like, the fair play ground for media is destroyed in Canada. Let's say, 3 journalists, one of them like Liberal and say good things about it most of the time (note not forced to, but he wants to); one is a critics of Liberal and say bad thing about liberal all the time; the third one is the most competent journalist, believing people deserve to know the truth of their leader, criticize whoever is in power.

Since no parties like to be criticized, so Journalist number 3 (the government basher) will diminished soon - he or she gets no money no matter who's in the office.

You think at least number 2 (the Liberal basher) would have survived, right? Well, not really, not only 2/3 of the time Liberal was in  power in Canadian history, but also the stupid Conservative refuse to fund any journalists.  

So at the end, journalist 1 (Liberal praiser) lived the best life. Not saying all the fair journalist died out, but you can tell which type is booming - who doesn't want easy money?

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