Monday, December 01, 2008

What if media conspirate with President in power?

The ultimate shame for any media is pandering to the ones in power.

I would say the media favor the underdog is one of the key strength of the American system.
Normally, during an election, the opposition party should get more favorable coverage to counter the benefit of the incumbent’s power.

The problem starts when Mr. Obama has showed unstoppable momentum during primary, yet, media failed to switch gear. Instead most media starting to pose like “see, we are genius we knew he will win, and we will make history.” And most of them did. That’s a problem, media are the most powerful group of people in a democratic culture, and when the media forget “monitor the people in power”, instead enjoys “making the difference”, that’s dangerous.

I’m glad to see MarketWatch starting to re-think media’s behavior during primary and election, and that’s the hope of America. As Mr. Obama elected, he is going to be the most powerful person in the world. Close scrutiny of him (as the most powerful person) is the only protection democracy gives the people. If most of the media do not realize this like John did (if they keep singing “glory to the almighty king” song), America is doomed, because its media in essence give the person in power un-monitored authority.

Media’s mission is not to tell people who is angel and who is evil. Media’s mission should be closely watch the politician and tell people what they do and facts about them and let people decide who's angel who's evil. (unless you don't trust people, which is anti-democracy, or your just say whatever people like to hear which is pure popularism).

During primary and election, we saw media went out of their way (collectively, not necessary each individual) to cover Mr. Obama for his shortcomings. It’s this part, not the fact that too many media sing the glory song of Mr. Obama bothered me most. When it's clear that Mr. Obama is no longer the underdog, media still ignore and help covering his mistakes, makes me wonder will these same media be capable of monitoring the most powerful person in the world months later, or they will simple pandering to the powerful and become his tool in controlling the nation dare I say like in Venezuela?

I admit I've never been a fan of Mr. Obama – a person too hard to be criticized because he’s DONE nearly nothing significant (yet). While he’s super talented in preaching, talk is always much too easy compare to walk the walk. If you do something, chances are you will be criticized – just as Mr. Obama criticized Mrs. Clinton and Mr. McCain. So the best way of not being criticized is do nothing, Mr. Obama is the only candidate smart enough to do so, why the media collectively chose to be Mr. Obama’s aid in willingly not scrutinize him. Any fumble his opponent made, became big story, any fumble Mr. Obama made became compliment– “his human after all” – as if forgiving Mr. Obama (but not his opponents) is a gracious deed American should adopt.

When that was a mere unfair before Mr. Obama became President of US. It’s super dangerous after he assumes power. If the media continue to help President Obama cover (or demise) his fumble, or mistake, it’s the nation who will suffer the most.

God bless America, hopefully the media will soon wake up like John did. Kudu to John, although I wasn’t very found of his coverage of Mr. Obama during election, being brave and bright enough to re-consider media’s frenzy about Mr. Obama is what American media really need now and John’s leading the way.

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