Sunday, June 28, 2015

10 key quotes from the Supreme Court's gay marriage decision Read more:

You can find the original article here: 

"If you are among the many Americans...who favor expanding same-sex marriage, by all means celebrate today’s decision. Celebrate the achievement of a desired goal. .... But do not celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it.” – Roberts

I grew up in a country where 9 (sometimes 7) people would determine what can be believed by the rest 1 billion. Lots of their judgement were "good", but as you all know, many of their "final decision" were quite "troublesome" -- the problem is NOT they make good or bad decisions, the problem is the system -- allowing 9 people to decide what everyone else can or cannot believe... Even if they make the right call (I'm to this day still an atheist), the system is still WRONG.
While the gay rights movement see the latest ruling as a success (rightly so, it is a big win! congrats!), the problem rest with the majority judges reasoning... They chose the wrong path to reach the right destination. If they were ordinary individual, (or even legislatures), then all is good. But as judges, they handed down a victory to gay rights movement, but took away the dignity of minority groups and put our rights under their mercy (or their willingness to see our "dignity")
As a visible minority, I always feared my rights were rest in the "merciful" hands of "an authority". Not all minority groups have the power to shape Supreme Court Judges preferences, no one's right should rely on their ability to shift other people's mind. I'm deeply worried now about our ability to be fair to those underprivileged minority group (talk about Asian American in front of affirmative act, anyone?)
A good cause, fought in a wrong way can be really bad. Some may have every justification for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was a war against evil, but to this day, how many people can rightly claim that Human used Nuclear Weapon against human is the way we should take to solve world peace problem?
This case relied on empathy of some of the judges, although it's a win for the plaintiff, the majority judges's reasoning basically undermined minority groups "dignity" to the point our rights now is not a part of our humanity, but mercy (or empathy) of those judge's personal believes.

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